Thank you to visit my web site dedicated
to eRa, magic of the talented Eric Levi. Sorry about my english but I will
try to do the best than I can.
In this place you found a lot of information related with this European
band, besides their music, some downloads and of the best thing that they
are the pictures. They also exists diverse articles and interviews of
multiple countries. Most in Spanish.
This web site is the base of my group, our community in Yahoo:
At first my Spanish version and now in
Likewise I say that the whole contained material in this web, it has
been gathered, taken in the web of public places; which are taken and
re-published some with permission and other without it.
Thank you to visit again, I hope you like the site and I wait your visit
again. As well as that leave me your comments, suggestions
in the guestbook.
Any matter, doubts, comment, advice or anything
write me:
7000 visits in 14th months it is so good. Mora than 1 year of existence.
Infinitely, thank you to all because without you this place didn't exist.
Jesús Rodríguez